We have several tools that will be cool for anybody just looking at the projects or actual watchers of the project. Our old repository wiki is in progress of being migrated to CodexWiki in our new wiki home: http://wiki.coldbox.org. So it will take some weeks before all the documentation is migrated and we can slowly phase out our beloved Trac site that has been faithful to us for more than 4 years.
On other news, we have created our ColdBox Community space which is now a full community workspace. Therefore, we would like to offer a space for the ColdBox Community to come together and share their: plugins, interceptors, pet projects, samples etc. If you are interested in active development we can create an account for you in our community space and you can have access to either an SVN or GIT repository, and tons of features in the ColdBox Community Space:
- Milestones/Ticketing System
- SVN source control or
- GIT source control
- Online collaboration chat
- Online messaging/forums
- Community Wiki
- Online File Sharing
- more...
So with that said, we keep pushing forward in our ColdBox 3.0.0 development, expect a beta 3 this week and new and exciting things in the coming weeks. We are truly excited with all the new tools we will have for more active and open development. Not only that, but offering the ColdBox community a chance to host their projects and be part of ColdBox Development.

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Nov 09, 2009 15:52:10 UTC
by Sami Hoda
Congrats on the move.